Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas brunch

I am determined to put the holidays behind me. Still plugging away at photos. Sorry if you're not into family stuff.

These photos are from Christmas eve brunch at the Westcotts.

Uncle Warren giving Sammy a push on her new lady bug toy from cousin Alex.

Alex, my son-in-law, Jack, and Sammy.

Waiting for brunch to begin...

Nice photo, but a little dark.

This is one of my favorite photos from their visit.

Sammy was fascinated by my brother John's train set. I won't show all the photos here.

The annual Westcott Christmas photo! My oldest brother Jim and his family were missing, choosing to stay up north, where they recently moved. We missed them! This is a good photo except that Sammy has her back turned. Notice Warren is sitting on the lady bug.  My brother John is in the middle and brother Bob is just behind me. I'm wearing the upcycled sweater I made for the Fibreye challenge.

By contrast, here is a holiday photo from the 60's. My brothers are the ones with neckties; Bob is near the center and John is on the right, with glasses on. I'm in the middle row in green. By coincidence, Jim is mysteriously missing from this photo, too.

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