Friday, October 16, 2009

Pacific International Quilt Festival

On Thursday, I went to the "other" quilt festival that's currently going on, Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara, CA. I flew up just for the day with Terry, and we met her friend, Sherry, who now is my friend, too. It was fun, but by early afternoon we were pooped! We each had at least one quilt there, so it was fun to see as many quilts and vendors as time allowed.

This is me by my "Hope is the Thing" quilt. It's been touring with the "Unfettered Letters" special exhibit from Quilts on the Wall.

This is SherryKleinman in front of her beautiful quilt.

Here are Terry and me in front of our quilts in the "Spring" Noble Seasons special exhibit. Mine is on top, and hers is on the bottom.


Jamie Fingal said...

loved seeing your pictures from PIQF. I look forward to hearing the scoop at our next Cut-Loose gathering.

Cindy Cooksey said...

Sure thing! And I hope you'll fill us in on Houston.