Sunday, June 2, 2013

marbled fabrics

I can't believe I haven't posted anything about the retreat I went to at Casa de Maria in mid-May. It was a wonderful, creative time. I taught knitting. I spent the rest of the time playing with fabric: dyeing silk scarves with silk neck tie fragments boiled in vinegar water. Marbling on all sorts of fabric. It was all so much fun!

Some of my marbled fabrics hanging on the line. I tried everything from silk chiffon to linen and all sorts of cottons, some of them already dyed or printed.

Completely different looks another day.

An array of gently washed and ironed fabrics. The ones on the far left are the dyed scarves.

The fabric in the middle was from some disappointing green dyed and rusted fabric that I hated. Marbling it made it rich and wonderful.

I have an idea for a quilt (or two) that I want to do with the marbled fabrics, but I have been too busy with other things to get started. Soon!


Linda A. Miller said...

Looks like you had fun...such a wonderful collection of fabrics and techniques!

Cindy Cooksey said...

Thanks, Linda! I can't wait to use them in quilts.